
Dragon Fly Man and Charge--Who you wanna be?

Here’s a highlight on All Superheros Must Die from IMDB:

Four Super Heroes find themselves abducted by their Arch Nemesis and are forced to compete in a series of challenges in order to save an abandoned town full of kidnapped innocent civilians.

The thing we’ve been realized that some of them might have minor or abuse attack skill but were dosed with anti-super power potion of devices that temporarily or permanently disabled the ability of been a superhero. One by one, they were hunt and died like a cockroach plot by the biggest villain, of course they still got their human nature within and did any attempts to save the civilian who also been massively dose and got life threatened. And that’s why they been pretty much striving to survive under the surveillance at the town under the dark night.

Sometimes a leader always has to show up and got most responsibility to survived all things out.We have to admit and always agree such behavior is a full reflection of American heroism---Leaving nothing behind even sacrifice himself !

The first saw of Charge’s battle suit reminds us one of the super hero zentai suit in Nefsuits---The Dragonfly Man. Let’s see what we got!

Charge's Hood Style
The prototype of charge's battle suit

Dragon Fly Man from Nefsuits
The thing is, how will you cut out the hood style as Charge's?

